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AMAZOMBIES "Bitches & Stitches" CD (Go-Kart)
If I wasn't too lazy, I would've now count all the releases we received lately
with word 'stiches' in their album title…I guess it's quite popular thing now.
First thing that come to my mind when I heard the Amazombies are the Thug Murded
from Japan. It reminds me of Thug Murder too much! Amazombies are also fronted
by (two) girls (and one guy on drums), and even one of the girls is a Japanese
too. Music is also very similar to the T.M., and that is short, killer fast punk-rock
with screaming female vocals. Actually it's the only thing I don't like very
much about this band…I would like this much more if Kim was less screaming and
more singing. I'm sure the Amazombies rock live!!!.....Vlada
Go-Kart Records, PO Box 20 prince St. Station, New York, NY 10012, USA
BABOONZ "Take Warning" CD (Mad Butcher)
What's up with this ska-punk craze in Germany and Austria? Another in the endless
string of ska-punk bands. To me, it stopped being interesting few years back.
These guys, for example, take it from Less Than Jake and trying do develop something
of their own. Not very successfully so far...There are some nice tunes ("Down
on their Luck") but constantly the same rhythm and strong German accent
singing in English pretty much spoils it. As most of the bands on this label,
these guys also stand against fascism and discrimination which is more than
cool, but anyway...I'd rather listen to Scrapy. After all: The question remains:
"Why Mike Ness is always cool?"
BEACH "Runaway" CD (Mad Butcher)
Oh dear, Rancid moved to Italy! They also made another album like "Let's
Go"...These guys are obsessed with Rancid and they don't hesitate to show
it when they crank it up to 11. Basically, that's all one has to say about BB.
Lyrics are pretty cool and very catchy. Title song is a real blaster! Some fols
who saw this band on stage said they actually even look and act like their heroes
while performing. This is how the aforementioned mega punks would sound if Mat
Freeman would break an arm. Or more than three fingers at least...
Geismarstr.6, D-37073 Göttingen, Germany
"Back to no future" CD (Step-1)
Huh, I thought we'd never see them again. For an average, long time defunct,
band these guys are very active. This is a collection of singles, demo versions
and compilation appearances from this semi-legendary UK HC punk band active
in the 80's and early 90's. They are the expected fourth particle in the Discharge-Broken
Bones-GBH... array (sorted out by quality level). I was never into that sound
but I do recognize the meaning of such bands. So, if you missed other recent
reissues on various UK and American punk labels, here's you chance to pick it
up...Horrible artwork and informative liner notes.
"s/t" CD (Cherry Red)
The Buzzcocks are ranked high on my "top 10 bands of all times" list.
That's not only because of their role in the primal punk revolution of '77 but
also because they stayed cool and fresh and ever progressing and better with
every album. Their later stuff is as good as their beginnings. And I thought
they won't be able to keep up after "All set" (with their best song
ever "Hold me Close" high on the heels with "Ever fallen in love?")
but I was very wrong. New album is a killer! Hits like "Sick City"
or "Keep on" are blasting from my speakers day and night. Only strange
thing is that Pete Shelley doesn't sound like his usual self on this album.
Voice is kinda different and I don't say that's a minus. In some parts they
remind me of Guitar Gangsters which is so weird because I'm sure Gangsters have
Buzzcocks on their "major influences" list. My friends from abroad
told me they rock live on stage better than ever. Got get this...
CHINKEES "Plea for peace: The Best of..." CD (Asian Man/Kung Fu)
Although Mike Park will be remembered for his work with Skankin' Pickle, this
is by far the best music project he ever got involved with. I know about this
band for quite a long time but I never got to hear more than a song or two on
some compilations. Now, when I got to hear it a lot, I can say this is really
something in (otherwise pretty dull) ska-punk music scene. Great poppy sound
with a lot of Hammond organ tunes (which always works fine for me) and really
good song arrangements. Slower songs ("Market Place") remind me of
Common Rider and that can only be a recommendation! I know these guys and a
girl put their hearts and minds in struggle against racism and all kinds of
bigotry but after hearing all-Asian bands such as Chinkees, Potshot, Nicotine,
I can only conclude this one with some positive bigotry (I just invented that)
and generalizing :Those rice-eaters sure make a hell of a good music!
KUNG-FU, Po Box 38009,
Hollywood, CA 90038, USA
"There's no power without control" CD
Good old group of rebels is back with another album. All of you know the story
of this legendary band and this new album is not a step in any different direction.
Sticking to their guns and making no compromise with the system. After all,
they are the ones who coined the phrase "anarcho punk" and defined
the musical identity for the thousands to go on. Loud, proud and pissed off.
Only new thing would be the first ever Conflict's video, for the track "Carlo
Giuliani" and the introduction of the new disc format playable in all kinds
of gadgets. That's one more successful revolution for these guys! My favorite
tracks: "Carlo" and "I'm starving". Our day will come! Eventually...
OUT "Here, now and real" CD (step-1)
This is a reissue of their 1999 (I think) album with some bonus cuts. Includes
"Devil on my back" that originally appeared on Captian Oi! attempt
to reactivate original Oi! compilations "Addicted to Oi!". If you
like their well known street rock'n'roll (which can often be an excuse for skins
posing as Bon Jovi, but here it's not...) then this should be the one for you.
What comes to mind first is a lame cover art made up from "Clockwork Orange"
movie stills downloaded from the net in a very poor image quality. What is also
a minus is that worn-out lyric cliché. Please, we know all about society's
misunderstanding for you rough-tough kids; The Business and 4Skins explained
it on their debut singles...And the back cover photo of the band is a criminal
act of its own. If there was a grading system, this would be C.
"Hardcore '81" CD (Sudden Death)
Hardcore role-models of many a young punks around the world. While on a real
creative downhill these days, they managed to re-release some of their essential
early records on their own label. As "Bloodied but Unbowed" is one
of my all time favorite records, this one comes somewhere near. This is D.O.A.
from their beginnings when they laid the foundations for American hardcore punk.
I always liked these Canadians more than their USA colleagues from that era
(Black Flag, Circle Jerks). Highly recommendable record, especially for young
kids in the punk scene. D.O.A. gave me my insight in politics of punk when I
was a kid with two punk tapes and a safety pin on The Clash T-shirt.
"Wake up screaming" CD (Hellcat)
When you're a million dollar punks like the guys who own Hellcat, then you can
afford to have such a disastrous band on your roster and even give them silly
amounts of cash and buy them a fancy producer. I guess Hellcat keeps bands like
this one to prove that they're into harder sound as well...I'd give 'em the
boot in no time, following the label's credo...Even Steve Albini (so proudly
pointed out on a sticker on the cover), man capable of making listenable stuff
out of hopeless crap, couldn't save this one. Nervous boring noise that seems
to go on and on, but actually it's pretty short record. Some 30 minutes, which
is 29 and a half minute more than bearable maximum...
RIDDANCE "Bound by the ties of blood and affection" CD (FAT)
Hey, slow down a bit...You don't have anything interesting and fresh to show
anyway! I don't know how much time passed since their last album, which was
also a minor flop, but this one comes too soon and again carries the same portions
of average Fatwreck punk. I think this is too much, even for die-hard fans.
They do have a few decent and even great songs on every new record ("there's
no I in team"), but not enough to fill a standard album. EPs are invented
just for that purpose! Cover design with a lot of bronze looks awesome, I must
say. I always thought they should have called it a day after their second album.
Another boring and unnecessary record from 'Blasting Room' studios...
GUFF "Is A Disaster"
CDEP (Go-Kart)
Just another pop-punk trend-following, totally uninteresting, jokers, you-heard-one-you-heard-them-all
band. Maybe this 5 song EP would be something new, interesting and
groundbreaking some 25 years ago but now it's just another one in the line. Go
Kart don't really need this one…...Vlada
split CD (Wynona)
I know, I know, I said it million times before, but I'll say it again- I can't
stand so called "Christian punk"! I know the Huntingtons make good music and
everything, but I can't get over the fact that they call themselves "Christian
punx"! There is no such thing! After two band members left the Huntingtons, the
sound got little more poppier (than the old Ramones as fuck), but it's still the
same old good Huntingtons sound you'll recognize. There is also one Cure cover
("Boys Don't Cry"), and it sounds really nice. Retarded (also with 6 songs and
one cover) are great as always. I'll do my best to get their first album, cause
it's the only Retarded release I don't have and I'm sure it's great as the rest
of their releases. I must also notice that all the stuff I received from Wynona
lately had great cover designs…I know it's not important, but I love when CDs
are tastefully designed…..Vlada
Wynona Rec., Via delle Liberta 6/11, 16129 Genova, Italy
ROMANCE "West for wishing" CDEP (Epitaph)
None of the guys from the band seem familiar and I think I haven't seen them
in any other bands before (and I lost the press kit...). So, this must be a
new band. Now, this really isn't bad, not by a longshot! Epitaph honcho himself
messed around with this one...Now, I'm not the one who'll smile at every new
"emotionally" powered band but these guys mix really nice song arrangements,
melodies and nice nerdy lead vocals with screaming/screeching/growling back
vocals (that Mr. Brett cleverly puts in the back to give just a hint of their
screaming power). Somewhere on the rack of Saves the Day or Movie Life but it's
way more exciting and unpredictable. I think this is called "screamo"
these days, but this is better...above all, very well produced record.
EPITAPH Europe, PO Box
10547, 1001 EN Amsterdam, The Netherlands
ANDRIANO split CD (Wynona Records)
This EP release by two Alkaline Trio members Mike Felumlee (also played with
Smoking Popes and Duvall) and Dan Andriano (Tuesday) brings us three songs from
each. Both of them played that similar Alkaline Trio mixed with some indie rock
sound. Although this is not the kind of music you'll find on my cd shelf, I
liked some of the songs here, and I must say that Dan Andriano won in this duel
(at least for me) mostly cause of the faster songs and very nice Tuesday cover
Wynona Rec., Via delle Liberta 6/11, 16129 Genova, Italy
"War on Errorism" CD (Fatwreck)
There are some things you can always rely on. Like: sun will come out tomorrow
and NOFX full lengths will be on Epitaph. But now...Only the sun still rises
every day. It's not a secret that NOFX are on a downway for the last couple
of records. They are getting better and better lyrically but the songs are really
boring. This album is no exception...It's a really clever all out attack on
American administration an the Moron himself but all that it is worth for is
actually its great multimedia addition. You get a cool animated video for the
best song on the album ("Franco Un-American") and a feature from the
documentary about elections fraud. It makes me sad to read the liner notes and
realize that a vast majority of NOFX American audience needs an explanation
that they're not a god given nation. They seem to be a bunch of stupid sheepish
teenagers who follow trends... Now, for wise political message there's this
and for some great music there's "Punk in Drublic" and "White
MORE BLACK "File under black" CD (Fatwreck)
Yee! When boring hardcore bands fall apart, some better and way more interesting
projects come to surface. Formation of this new band comes as an indirect consequence
of Kid Dynamite's shutdown. And I think there's no room for mourning for the
previous band because this one brings us some really good songs. Fine mixture
of raw Hardcore energy that was characteristic for K.D. and award-wining Fatwreck
touch make this a really fresh and somewhat innovating piece of work. Songs
are short, catchy (but not nananana catchy) and to the point (that is done with
usage of rather smart lyrics). To rank it more precisely: This is now No.1 Fatwreck's
non-typical hard-hitting Fat band (ahead of Avail, Rise Against and S.O.I.A.).
POLLOI "Alive and Kicking" CD (Step-1)
When somebody tells you that he/she has a live recording of some anarcho band,
the first thing one thinks is that it must be a drunk dreadlocked punk in the
slam pit holding up a pocket tape recorder in the air trying to capture some
of the low-fi noise coming from stage. Well, he who thinks so would be very
wrong here. This is a pretty good recording and the playlist is great. Only
objection to it would be a bit lower power level. But this is made for cranking
it up to turn it fucking up and slam for the revolution!
You can get a precious info on how to get a pair of "Combat sexism at all
levels" boxer shorts, so to me this CD is worth getting for that fact alone!
"Americans out, Americans out!!! Nazi Scuuuuuuuuummmmmm!"
"Spending time on the borderline" CD (Kung-Fu)
Aaah, "Spectrum", "Atari" and "Commodore 64" nostalgia
hits you when you see the covers of this one. Since I'm pretty familiar with
the previous deeds of Ozma, I can safely say this is their most complete and
most enjoyable release yet. Last time they had some Russian flavored tunes that
were a bit boring. This time it's Weezer-type pop rock with indie taste. I think
they already do "Warped" tours and this kind of band really deserves
to cut thru the cocoon of musical underground and show the masses their potential.
It's an easy going pop record with sporadic ballads. A perfect soundtrack for
summer afternoons. Comes with a really well done cyber addition that includes
Videos, Mp3's and more...
KUNG-FU, Po Box 38009,
Hollywood, CA 90038, USA
PSEUDO HEROES "Prison Of Small Perceptions" CD (Go-Kart)
Pseudo Heroes started as a side-project of Sam Williams of Down
By Law fame, and Kevin Coss (Pink Linkolns) and some third guy I don't know
anything about, but lately they start playing and touring more serious. I'll be
honest- I didn't like their first album at all. It had one or two good songs,
but the rest of it was pretty boring (same goes for their split CD with Down By
Law). This time it's very different. All songs sound very different and I'm sure
you'll find this album very interesting. Pseudo Heroes' sound is now faster and
stronger, some songs even remind me of the Spermbirds and than again some are
totally different. Great thing about this album is that there are tons of
appearances by the likes of John Stabb (Government Issue), Lee Dorrian (Napalm
Feath), Jerry A. (Poison Idea), Dave Smalley (All, Dag Nasty…) etc., so every
song in which they appear is done in their manner and it's great. Since there
are 19 songs here, don't count that all of them are great, but you can count on
good fun while listening to this……Vlada
Go-Kart Records, PO Box 20
prince St. Station, New York, NY 10012, USA
McKENZIES "Oot & Aboot" CD (Fatwreck)
McKenzies' 4th studio album and second for Fatwreck. And this one blasts off
all the previous stuff! This is the ultimate McKenzies' record. With all these
bands (Murphys, Floggin' Molly and R.M.) we'll soon consider bagpipes as a standard
piece in punk rock band. Vocals are wonderful, bagpipes and guitars complement
each other, creating many epic hits. Can you imagine modern Pistols (Actually
it's more Ten Pole Tudor but they were the ones who played some of the best
songs that were credited as "Pistols' " later works) on a pirate ship
with drunken sailors singing and acting silly...Then again some songs ("Lest
we forget") remind me of pure American modern punk Bad Religion style.
Then you also have a flavor of Motorhead ("Jennifer Que"). 27 minutes
of your life will be way happier if there's this record playing in the background!
SKALINERS "Belly Dance" CD (Mad Butcher)
And now for some decent ska-punk! Quantity brings quality in the end (is that
K. Marx?). So in the sea of average ska crazed punks these sharks leaped up
on the surface. One can hear some pretty good and healthy influences here such
as later Mighty Migthy Bosstones mixed with traditional German idea of ska.
So you get something like classic German ska stuff on "Pork Pie" label
(Busters, Bluekilla, Braces) powered by stronger guitars and upbeat. I'm sure
this definitely kicks ass live.
Geismarstr.6, D-37073 Göttingen, Germany
"Venice goes Ska" CD (Mad Butcher)
11 tracks of slow, authentic ska. Guys really know how to play their instruments
and everything is in the right place. Just like every other slow-slow paced
combo, these folks also remind me of Skatalites. Most of the tracks are covers
of well known tunes such as theme from "Pink Panther" or Bonny-M/Bolero
cover done in authentic ska way. Sometimes a familiar Italian accent pops in
and reminds you that you're not on Jamaica. Since the summer is on, just take
this to the beach and avoid both boring silence and aggressive noise while trying
to get your tan.
OUT "Live in a Dive" CD (Fatwreck)
Hooooooo, my least favorite Fatwreck band has a live record out. Now, all my
disliking for this band aside, this is really decent sounding live album done
in (soon to be traditional) "in a dive" superb manner. Most of the
songs sound really good and 1000 times better when compared to studio stuff.
In some moments fancy post-production and mixing can give you an impression
of a studio album. I guess they did polish it up a bit in the studio later but
anyway, this sounds really powerful and if that statement comes from a proven
disliker (that's not even a word!) of the gotta believe it. I'm actually
waiting for the Subhumans "Live in a dive" later this year...
"Start static" CD+DVD (Epitaph/Ultimatum)
You've probably heard "Stuck in America" already on all MTV's channels
plus perhaps on P-Rock as well. I was watching "Van Wilder" (stupid
comedy) and noted a cool song in it but I was embarrassed to stay in the cinema
as the last visitor (In fact, my girlfriend was...I do stupid things in public
all the time) just to catch the band's name on the end credits. So I got this
CD and it's DVD addition and was very glad to find that it was this band on
the OST that I liked!!! So, this modern parent-friendly punky rock is what this
is all about. There's a guy formerly of S. Utters and N. Herder (Marko 72) in
this get a fuckin' DVD for, I can't see any reasons against
purchase of this readymade product.
EPITAPH Europe, PO Box
10547, 1001 EN Amsterdam, The Netherlands
TRAVOLTAS "Party!" CD (Knock Knock Records)
Travoltas have always been quoted as European response to all those US pop-punk bands. Well this release is very different than all the other Travoltas albums since this whole CD is recorded with acoustic instruments. And that's not all- it's recorded live with a bunch of band's drunken friends shouting and drinking in the background. There are 14 songs here, and most of them are Travoltas' old songs, there are some Beach Boys songs plus some more acoustic covers. I really liked this CD, it's great for playing on these hot summer days and for listening while drinking with friends.....Vlada
Knock Knock Records, 394 Hewlett Ave., Patchoque, NY 11772, USA
"Scandinavian Leather" CD (Burning Heart)
I think this is still pretty fresh. Well I got it just now... OK, one must make
a serious and epic voice when talking about a record like this one. We all know
how legendary and out-of-this-world these lunatics are. This is great record,
as expected. Every single little component here is good and placed wisely into
the machine. It's a great "sequel" (if there can ever be one) to "Apocalypse
Dudes". Flavors of dreadful 70's rock are here just in traces and the fathers
of Scandinavian rock revival know how to make diverse styles clash in right
measure. Great cover art (Man who did Beatles' "Revolver") and style
will definitely strengthen Turbojugend chapters world wide. This is an epic
record that makes your asshole bleed. Now, I feel like fucking the world!
BOMBS "Covert action" CD (Hellcat)
"I feel like I've wasted pretty much of my time and mind in the past years..."
said Mr. Duane Peters in some interview recently...So, he tried to make this
record an attempt to bring all kinds of govt. gimmicks to public attention.
Maybe it's too soon after the last one. And you get some 12 cuts with gutterpunk's
view on world affairs. They added back a second guitar (sorry, but the guy still
has to learn to fill the shoes of late Briggs) and the songs are way better
when compared to a previous "...Laundromat" album. Hey, there's a
nice mariachi flavored theme which I plan to use as background music in my radioshow...You
know what to expect from the Bombs. Nice Clashy melodic guitar tunes with torn
and bitter lead vocals followed by singalaongy back vocals...
"Liberation: songs to benefit PeTA" CD (Fatwreck)
Fat Mike's gone really righteous! That cannot do any harm. It's dirt cheap,
it's pretty good and it's here for the good cause. From hardcore anarchos (Propagandhi)
to mega-trendy rockers (Good Charlotte). Actually, now I'm thinking about all
those "sins of the youth" when the likes of Bigwig made fun of all
the activist bands and people. I remember their song on "Short music"
comp where they had the stupidest anti-animal liberation song which wasn't even
funny. I guess people change a bit after all. Also, you gotta check out the
enhanced feature and try to swallow the slaughterhouse footage. It made me really
fucking angry! Anyway, good thing to spend your allowance. You get to do a smart
and noble thing and get the beer afterwards because this is very cheap. Somebody
found a useful aspect of Good Charlotte's existence.
V/A "Too Loud 4 You" 4 way split CD (Wynona)
Four bands that share this CD are Halfway Home, Forty Winks, Vanilla Sky and
Andthewinneris. Common thing for all four bands is punk-rock music with (more or
less) emo touch. Since Halfway Home had the most emo influence in their songs, I
liked them less. I don't know, I just can't stand too much of that crybaby stuff.
They're not bad or anything, but it's just too Mtv2 for my taste. Andthewinneris
is third at my top4 list, and the Forty Winks and Vanilla Sky share first and
second place. F.W. and V.S. are equally good (I guess that the great thing about
them is that they're not too emo) but I liked Forty Winks better cause of the
Cheap Tricks' "Surrender" cover. It's the third cover of that song I heard and
it's as good as Psychotic Youth's one (and it's a great compliment coming from
such P.Y. fan as I am!). If you're not really into the emo thing, I suggest you
to buy some other great Wynona releases – Hymans, Huntingtons/Retarded… …..Vlada
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Hey bands, labels... send your stuff for
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Mileticeva 49
21000 Novi Sad
Serbia & Montenegro