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This is an alphabetical listing of reviews on S.C.A.B.:
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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
Also check out label addresses
all unsigned reviews by Dasko

4SKINS "The good, the bad and the 4skins" CD (Captain oi!)
Just a super deluxe version of already published first album of these east London 'erberts, you all know the songs..."intelligent" lyrics ("...skins are strongest, football really matters and fight, fight, fight...") and down-to-earth music. Comes with a poster of a band and if that's not enough, than you must be like me and you also think this is one of the most overrated bands in the whole street music scene's history. I'm not sure if that is a first or second singer (I'm just sure it's not Roi) on this album but the other one (not present here) is way better... compare single versions of "One law.." and "Jealousy" or "Yestrday's heros" with these featured here and you'll get the picture.

4SKINS "Secret Life Of..." CD (captain oi!)
These guys will soon have more crap and unnecessary records than Pistols! This is such a piece of shit that no one in his/hers right mind would like to own. Low low low quality live stuff, some stuff from "long lost legendary" tapes (guy who "found" 'em should be kicked in the ass) and as if that wasn't bad enough, CD ends with Roy Pearce's new  band called (imagine this!) ROi! finishing what's left of your nerves with butchering of old 4SKINS classics.

999 "Biggest prize in sport" CD (Captain oi!)
Here you have two releases on one CD: The studio album and a live EP recorded on their California tour in the early 80's...and some bonus cuts as well. Live part comes first and it really kicks ass and gives you some 20 or more minutes of 77's finest moments. Studio stuff is also pretty good but it is a sort of a downhill ride after their first few albums and singles. It's that typical 80's period of almost all '77 punk bands. It comes very handy especially when "shuffle" is enabled!

THE ADICTS "Fifth overture" CD (Captain oi!)
Awhhh! Every girl's favorite Adicts' album finally gets a proper and deserved treatment and re-issue. Some of the best Adicts' songs are here "Put yourself in my hands", "Na na na", "I am yours"... I remember how happy I was when I got this on vinyl few years ago...Pop tunes and 80's rock (and no punk at all) make this a very ear-pleasing release. Songs about love, love and love. This was originally released on some poxy German label and they had a minor success in deutsch heavy metal circles back then. This would be the first proper CD release of this album with normal cover (instead of the ugliest punk record cover of German release) and original title (German CD was called "She's a rocker")...
Oh, I'm full of useful facts...Did I tell you that one night we were down by the sea and I was sleeping outside in a bag and we were listening to this album on tape and storm began and then Ljuba said....

THE ADICTS "Sound of Music" and "Smart Alex" CD (Captain oi!)
Great band, great records, great packaging and the best bonus cuts any punk rocker can imagine...Spending any extra words on this would be totally pointless and EVERY punk rocker in the whole wide world should own this! For the stupid ones, I will just name a few classics: "You're all fools", "Falling in love again", "Eyes in the back...", "Chinese takeaway"...c'mon, what are you still waiting for?

ANGELIC UPSTARTS "Sons of Spartacus" CD (Captain Oi!)
Long awaited Upstarts studio effort is finally in my ears! Good old commies are back with a bang! Now, the band is made of  Mensi and the instrumental sections of Red Alert (but they even found some job for Steve to do on this recording). And so it sounds too! Skillful  rock musicianship as seen on "Wearside" meets Mensi's really improved vocal skills (man finally started to sing!). Whole album is red as blood of a dying partisan! "Bandiera Rossa" (I think this is the song I played most in my whole life! The version by Kud Idijoti I mean...) , "Anti-Nazi", "Stand Up" you'd expect from them! I like it a lot!

Oh my fucking god! This one goes directly on my "legendary albums without which I would die unhappy and life would be very miserable in general" shelf. I think BYO couldn't celebrate its 20th anniversary in more appropriate way. First , B. Souls kick off and kick the shit out of my speakers and drive me wild with their new songs, Cock Sparrer cover and AF cover, then is up to AF to finish what's left of my heart with their new songs (they cannot make a bad one even if they try, which they don't!) , B.S. cover and a....BUZZCOCKS cover!!! Ever fallen in love with a CD? Thank you good bands, thank you BYO and "thank you" to myself for knowing good music!

ANTiSEEN “Southern Hostility” CD (TKO)
First of all – I hate these guys. It’s enough just to look at their photos in the booklet, and you’ll feel the same way. Stupid ugly southern metal-head scum. I read in one interview with one promoter that they are the biggest jerks he met (they even wanted to eat only in McDonalds, so he had to drove them 50km to the nearest McDonalds restaurant). Anyway, this is the third release in the ‘Vault Of Antiseen’ series that TKO Records is releasing and this is re-mastered album they recorded back in ‘91. There are 13 raw as fuck punk-rock’n’roll songs. Antiseen are trying to prove us that they are extremely shocking, but if I was looking for something like that, I would rather choose something I can enjoy listening to (and having a laugh) like The Dwarves......Vlada

ANTiSEEN “Screamin' Bloody Live” CD (TKO Records)
This is the third album released in TKOs “Ringside” live series. Quick reminder: first was Cock Sparrer, then Angelic Upstarts, and now Antiseen. Lets be fair – this is the weakest album of those three. Ok, that’s not big surprise since first two spent a hell lot of time in my CD player. There are more than 20 songs at this CD, and that’s great, production is also very good, so if you like Antiseen, you can really enjoy this. Especially since there are even two videos (“Gun’s Ablazin” and “Commando”) on CD version. I should also mention that there are also 5-6 cover songs, but to tell you the truth I don’t really like Antiseen, it’s simply too tough for me…what can I do…I’m a gentle boy….Vlada

ARGY-BARGY "Songs from the streets" CD (Captain Oi!)
I really think this record is important only to the people who made it and to their closest friends and relatives. This is a profane example of average streetpunk band with silly lyrics (OK, some do stand out!) and "huge bouncer-type guy" singing (growling) . I guess these guys would remain forever local if there wasn't that oi! nostalgia and if John wasn't    working alongside with Mark Brennan at Captain Oi! Think less interesting Warriors plus some typical mid-eighties oi! in the vein of Section 5 or any Hammer Records protégées and you'd have some pic in your ears. Forgettable...

ARTHUR KAY AND THE ORIGINALS "Count of.../Live in Berlin" CD (Step1)
Nice one. What amazed me most is the fact that Arthur is a part of the ska scene for three decades and more! He had this band even before joining The Last Resort. I knew he was an old geezer but this sure is a thing to be proud about. Music wise this is something like 2 tone late-bloomer. Cockney accent and pseudo-Caribbean rhythms. Works for me!
Live part is pretty nice's pretty interesting to hear ska version of Last Resort's classic "King Of the jungle".

AVAIL "Front porch stories" CD (FAT)
The fact that kept me amazed for a very long time is that the drummer of Avail is responsible for the marvelous paintings on the album cover and the booklet. I'd really like to see more work from this guy! Oh, yeah...the album...Well, if you already like Avail, you won't be let down for sure! But if you are like me, and you are not really into their Lookout stuff, you'll find this new CD pretty refreshing, correctly produced and...their best so far!  It's more rocking than the last one and they started making real hits this time ("black and red", "blue X2").

BAD ASTRONAUT "Houston, we have a drinking problem" CD (Fat/Don's)
Definitely an album title of the year! Joey Cape's (Lag wagon) notorious side project long-playing record is finally out. I freaked out when I heard "Gray Suits" on Don's label sampler (it kept my "repeat" button busy for days), and naturally, I expected a miraculous album to follow...Now, that left me a bit disappointed when CD finally arrived. I wanted to hear more of that ultra-catchy  power-pop-80's-synth  chimera sound but instead, I got something like Lag Wagon meets Radiohead (most overrated band of all times) meets (bad moments of) Weezer...No, it's not bad! It just isn't what I expected and now, I will need some time to get used to the product. One thing is for sure, it's not a thrill on the first listen like "Gray Suits". I will report any further satisfaction with this!

BAD RELIGION "Process of belief" CD (Epitaph)
Finally, a decent album by this punk pensioners! Mr. know-how is back in the band, teamed up with Greg, they couldn't make a bad record! Home label and good care about the band plus never before seen promotion made this a hit record both in the punk scene and the mainstream media. Album picks up where "Recipe for hate" left, nevermind the various "No substance" and "New America" (all crap), here's a real BR-styled album. I mean, this is far from "No Control" or "...Grain" but this sure rocks pretty good. If you have  seen a video for the first single from the  album "Sorrow" you should know that is the shittiest track on this CD...they couldn't have picked the worse track...but the trendy German (it's their MTV I can watch only) moron teens seem to like it. All other tracks are killer!

BARBARA ANN “Ode To My Freaks” CD (Pretty Face)
First I’ll tell you a few things about the music Barbara Ann is playing, so that I could spend the rest of this review writing about what I really want to write about. Barbara Ann is playing very good, fast pop-punk and the thing about this band that makes it so great is the (female) singer with cute vocals. It reminded me of the Muffs, but it’s bit faster and more energetic (and not that good). And now let me tell you something about the singer, ex-model Barbara Ann - she looks fucking GREAT!!! I spent this whole afternoon downloading her pics from the internet (…please kill me….)!  If you don’t believe me, go to, and see for yourself (btw. while you’re there you can also download some mp3’s). Definitely the best looking girl within the punk scene!!!….Vlada

BLIND PIGS s/t CD (Sweet Fury)
Since the first time I heard Brazilians Blind Pigs’ CD “Sao Paolo Chaos”, I’m boring the guys to keep me informed with all the new stuff they release. After that release on Grita Records, Blind Pigs re-released “Sao Paolo Chaos” for their own label called “Sweet Fury”, and later they released demo-singles… collection “The Punk’s Are Alright”, and finally after 5 years they released new full-length album I waited so much. The album has 18 songs in just 24 minutes!!! Music is much faster and energetic then it used to be (maybe since there are two new guys in band), reminds of the new Rancid stuff. Songs are very short (only few of them are more than 1 minute long) and this time half of the songs are in English and half of them are in Portuguese. CD is released in nice digipack with great design and photos of the guys (poster also rocks!). As much as I like this album, I liked “Sao Paolo Chaos” better maybe because it had more sing a long choruses…know what I mean? Anyway, if you don’t already have that masterpiece “Sao Paolo Chaos”, get it now and if you have it, order this new album at once…Vlada

Sweet Fury Records, Caixa Postal 245, Barueri SP, Brazil;

BLISTERHEAD “Small Time Rebels” demo CD
With name like that for a demo, you know music can’t be bad, especially when you know that the band is from Sweden. Finally after all those shitty demos I received lattely, something good! Blisterhead are one of those early punk influenced bands, with a lot of singalong choruses and guitar melodies. In a year or so, I see them on the Burning Heart Records with some expensive production and stuff…I sincerely hope it will happen, I think they deserved it. In the meantime, contact the band and ask them for their demo stuff….Vlada

Kim Nilsson, Dotorpsgatan 67 B, 52134 Falkoping, Sweden

THE BLOODLINE "The Razor Strike" CD (Step-1)
Italian oi! band and it's not political or red (except for the blood they like to spill) as one could expect these days. No, these mean-looking guys are obviously more into plain ass-kicking on the terraces and huge fans of  Italian 70's horror or to be precise, fans of Dario Argento and maybe a bit of Lucio Fulci. It would be all filed under "heard before" (4 skins, old Section 5 and other tough guy oisters ) if there wasn't for that horror touch and sporadic Blood and Goblin (band who did most of the Italo-shockers'  music scores back in the 70's and 80's) flavors. A welcome fresh breeze, next time they can work a bit more on vocals and some fresh new sound wouldn't do any harm too.

BODIES “Firepower Is Our Business” CDEP (TKO)
So this is not the album, but CDEP release of vinyl EP released four years ago. Although I don't like EPs very much (cause it ends as soon as I hook up), I really liked this one. I must admit I never heard any proper Bodies release (I just heard them on some compilations…), so I was looking forward to hear this band everybody's talking about. And the good thing is that I wasn't disappointed when I heard it! It's true what I heard before: killing punk/oi! Good thing about Bodies is that you can differentiate them from all the other similar bands the same second you hear them…mostly because of great vocals. Some friend told me that music is great, but that vocals are irritating. I simply wouldn't agree. Very important thing about this band are great lyrics. There are 6+1 songs on this EP, and hopefully their second LP should be out very soon. One more trivia: do you know that Bodies ad for »Firepower Is Our Business« EP with fucked-up American flag in the background? Well Maximumrocknroll refused to print that ad, cause it made them feel “uncomfortable”(?!), so TKO decided not to print anymore ads in MRR and not to send them any stuff for reviewing in it…..Vlada

THE BUSINESS "Suburban Rebels" CD (Captain Oi!)
This label already had this one (and so did Taang! and probably some other now defunct label in last two decades). You know the story, a classic (and in my humble opinion, the worst Business album of all) that every punky 'erbert already has in his collection. Why buy? Well, extra awesome Digipak is what you must check out...if your vinyl is long scratched and tape got fucked up by old "Ei" deck, chose this CD version over any other!

THE BUSINESS "Saturday's Heroes" CD (Captain oi!)
To save some space and my precious time, I'll keep it short...This is my fave Business album ( and bonus part holds my dearest Business' song ever "Get outta my house") and it comes with extra luxury Digi with a fold out poster in the size of  the LP. You'll be able to have all the Business' back catalogue soon in this de-luxe format. Price is the same I think...It's worth it! Start saving...or something...

CAPO REGIME "To Subvert and Corrupt" CD (Step-1)
One of those bands that I only had chance to see on various flyers and announcements for huge punk festivals. It should have stayed that way, because now, when I got the chance to hear 'em I am pretty disappointed...well, not that I was expecting something anyway!

To me, this sounds like a cross between some early 80's drunk oi! band (with bad sound something like Criminal Class) and something like Varukers... When I hear bands like this one, it just reminds how I have much better bands in my neighborhood which  will never get a proper release just because they live in this shithole...

CASUALTIES “Die Hards” CD (Side One Dummy)
NYC streetpunk legends, and definitely one of the best streetpunk bands of all times are back and they are faster, louder and more pissed off than ever. There are 13 tracks on this album, and I can tell you all of them kick some fuckin ass! but the track I absolutely fell in love with is the last one "made in NYC" which is a tribute song to Joey Ramone. So kids, if you're into more aggressive  streetpunk sound, this is the record you'll never forget!.....Pavle

CHE CHAPTER 127 “Profit Prophet” CD (G7 Welcoming Committee)
Oh, come on…I support all those revolutionary activities and stuff, but trust me – Che Guevara isn’t THAT cool! Whenever someone mentions me Che, first thing that comes to my mind are all those stupid kids with RATM T-shirts with Che pics on it, trying to be different, and they don’t know a thing about the stuff they “support”. Anyway, Che Chapter 127 have good lyrics, and I totally support them on that side, but I’m afraid I can’t say the same thing about the music. It’s just not my cup of tea. But if you’re into heavy sound of hard core music with girl singing 5 min. long songs, then get this. GREAT looking 100% recycled post-consumer packaging. And remember “…Go to rallies. Boycott companies that are driven by profit margins. Vote. Don’t vote. Throw a molotov. Throw a lifeline. Read a book. Care. Think. Learn. Unlearn. The revolution starts with you.”….Vlada

G7 Welcoming Committee, PO Box 27006, 360 Main Street Concourse, Winnipeg, MB  R3C 4T3 Canada

THE CROWD “Punk Off!” CD (Unity Squad Records)
OK, at start I must say that I never had a chance to listen to this legendary Orange County punk band. They are playing for most than 20 years and they never had the luck to get the support they deserved, although they were the role models for a lot of legendary punk bands such are T.S.O.L., Offspring etc. As I said I never listened to The Crowd (since they had pretty poor distribution with labels that released their stuff, so not much of us got a chance to get their releases) so I can’t really say if this album is better or the worst than the stuff they released earlier. Music is some nice punk-rock and it reminds me of Adolescents and stuff like that…nothing revolutionary that you didn’t already hear somewhere…although it probably was when they start playing it, but now they sound just like one of many…I wish them good luck in future….Vlada

Unity Squad Records, PO Box 1235, Huntington Beach, CA 92647, USA

DAG NASTY "Minorty of one" CD (Revelation)
Again, I think I can (right now) name 25 more devoted fans of this band to write this down , but other thing they've got in common, besides being Dag  fans is that they are all lazy bastards...I know and respect Dag Nasty and  one must recognize their role in formation of  modern American punk sound. All of their albums are cult classics and this one can also be placed on that list. I don't know what you think of "four on the floor" but this one kicks that one in the middle of its sorry ass and sets itself as one of the best comeback releases in ages. In fact, only thing that prevents this one from being the best Dag Nasty album ever is the nostalgia of the old punks. Great songs, no emo flavors, title track is a killer...And the hidden 12th track is a cover of Gen X "100 punks" for all of you brat youngsters!

DARLINGTON “Louder Than Morrisey” CD (Stardumb)
Very nice cover, a lot of songs and above all great music. Stevey Stress that is playing here used to play drums in Queers, and the lyrics also remind of those Queers likable but then again stupid lyrics (btw that’s a good thing). I liked best song called “Eternaly”, but also there’s this great song about boobs where they mention Ljubljana (Boobljana in this case)…I never thought that Slovenian girls have a big tits; but I’ve heard stories of huge Macedonian tits (aka golemi cicki!). The only thing that really disappointed me with Darlington was when I found out that they are one of those “christian punks”…I simply don’t understand that. Anyway, for more info on Darlington, read the interview with the singer with girls name in this issue of S.C.A.B….Vlada

DIRT BIKE ANNIE & THE POPSTERS “The Ellis Island Rendezvous” CD (Stardumb)
I must say I never heard of Dirt Bike Annie before, but I’m glad I did now. DBA are from New York (have I told you that I’ve been to NY once? Well, I did!) and I liked them much better then The Popsters first of all cause I can’t really put my finger on music they are playing, but let’s say it’s indie-poppunk, and second thing I liked about this band is that they have male AND female vocals! Great! Is it racist thing to say that you don’t like how Asian girls are looking? I guess I’m the only one who thinks this. Anyway, Popsters are also represented with 8 songs, and I noticed that these songs are recorded the same time as those at Popsters/Carbona split. So sound is the same as it is on that release, and I’ll repeat myself – poppunk that will leave you indifferent (although sound is little bit better and more powerful then on their debut). I hope that DBA will release full-length soon, and that Popsters will get a bit better for their next album (my suggestion is catchier songs and stronger music)......Vlada

DROPKICK MURPHYS "Live on St. Patrick's day in Boston" CD (Hellcat)
I hope they got well after that seizure of patriotism as a September 11th consequence...As I am officially the biggest Murphys' fan in this corner of the globe, here's my review that no court in the world would accept because it's totally un-objective. GREEEAAAT! I had a chance to witness their live performance and although that wasn't Boston, I can feel that same joy and happiness when I shove this in my listening device. 27 songs: Originals, covers (not the ones one would expect), traditionals, hockey, on-stage marriage proposal...Strange thing: it's on Hellcat but it's not a digipak! And I think it comes with a special working class friendly price...You're still here? Get the fuck out and get this bloody record!

EDDIE & HOT RODS "Thriller" CD (Captain oi!)
I don't know if this is a first appearance of this album in CD format, but it sure was needed and it was right timing. These are the people who linked pub rock thing with punk (and maybe showing the right direction to the likes of Joe Strummer...). This would be their 3rd studio album. It can stand proudly next to its precedents and it's even more sing-a-longy . I don't know if it's confirmed (but you shouldn't question the likes of M. Brennan) , but even late Linda McCartney made some guest appearance on this album (don't worry, she didn't fuck up anything...)?! Collectors, just go ahead and don't hesitate.

FILTHY THIEVING BASTARDS "Melody of retreads and..."CD (BYO)
Whoooaaa! I can only agree with every single person who had a chance to hear this one...It's a great mix of Utters, Woodie Guthrie, Pogues, (well, more just plain Shane), Orwell, Bukowski, plain booze and lung cancer. Great songs for some drinking session or to impress some girl and convince her that it's actually cool that you are broke and without future. I hope they can go on with this while all being married men with small kids...I always admired people who know how to recognize every single life's misfortune (although one of my main life mottos is "Socijala"...those who know will understand!).

My theory is now verified and validated. TKO records is a breeding plant for good bands which they help and support and then those bands pack their bags and move to a higher level in punk. In this case it's BYO who gave The Forgotten a proper treatment and squeezed out of them a real essence of quality. I think this is their third Full-length and by all means their best. It's good old streetpunk with heavy British influences now blended together with a taste of Utters and Youth brigade. I gave this one to a  friend for a listen and right now I can't tell you the correct title of hits but there sure are more then a few of them here. Next LP out on Hellcat?

GBH "City baby attacked by rats" and "City baby's revenge" CD (Captain oi!)
I know they deserved this de-luxe re-issue, but I still don't like anything they ever did...

So, if you like GBH, don't take it from me. It's fair to say this really is a supreme re-issue in traditional Captain oi! style and every fan should have it...I gave this one away to a friend (GBH maniac) for birthday.

GBH "Midnight Madness..." CD & "No Need To panic" CD (Captain oi!)
Firstly: I know these guys mean the world for someone, so (since I always thought they sucked big time) I'll be glad to give these away to some fan for some good white wine in return...I think that's fair. These are two of their albums from the mid to late 80's era when they were big in the States. Originally released by Rough Justice (if somebody prevented them somehow back then we wouldn't have loads of shitty Exploited, Broken Bones and GBH albums). Good example of the symptomatic "punk-meets-metal" sound that ruined all the worthy and long-running UK '82 bands...

GET LOST! “Never Come Back” CD (Voodoo Rhythm)
From the ashes of Miracle Workers, Unfold tables and some other legendary garage bands here comes the band founded by members of above mentioned bands that moved to Switzerland, plus the drummer of The Reverend Beat-man. Get Lost are playing some dirty, very raw garage punk not everyone of you can dig; but if you are one of those garage freaks, this release won’t leave you indifferent.....Vlada

GROOVIE GHOULIES “Freaks On Parade” CDEP , “Go! Stories” CD (Stardumb)
Surprise, surprise! And when I remember that some 5 or 6 years ago Lookout Records was my favorite label with all those cool pop-punk bands…seems like all of them left them now (I think there are just two or three old Lookout bands still releasing for them). So here's the new EP and album of band I like very much - Groovie Ghoulies. EP comes with some 6 songs on it. EP line-up is the same as on their last album, and so is the music…familiar pop-punk sound. But line-up on the new album is different since there is new girl on drums now (btw. she looks great) and Kepi and Roach are still here but B Face left the band. OK, music maybe isn't as good as it was on their previous albums, but I still like it very much. You won't hear anything bad about G.G. from me, since I really like them…after all, years ago they sent me a package for Halloween full of some great horror/sci-fi toys and shit…Oooh, those were the days! Anyway, album (and EP) is very good, but maybe not as good as they can do it. On the new album there is a song “Ghoulies are Go!” from their old album “World Contact Day”, there is one song from that FAT compilation “Short Music…” and there is one cover of Sweet Fury Animals – “Chupacabras”. One more thing: there are big chances that they will come to Yugoslavia on their upcoming European tour, and if they do, make sure not to miss that gig!…Vlada…Vlada

Stardumb Records, PO Box 21145, 3001 AC Rotterdam, The Netherlands

GUITAR GANGSTERS "Another day in Pleasantville" CD (Captain oi!)
England didn't sink completely into dance culture and soppy nostalgic punk of old farts trying to bring the youth back! Only thanks to Guitar Gangsters whose fan your humble reviewer is since the moment I've heard first two chords and some beat from these masters of  melodic punk Albion-style! New gem is more or less the same...hit, hit, hit. My only objection (and some of the people who heard the CD say so too) is the length...It's too long! More than 50 minutes is kinda too much, even for the (imaginary) Clash comeback album! Best song is definitely "Safety pin thru my heart"...I've tried to count the times I've repeated it today and I stopped counting after 14...Also, a must point out thing are the incredibly good lyrics...You guys rock, and that's it!

GUTTERMOUTH "Gusto" CD (Epitaph)
One half of the time I'm all: "Fuck this, how can this still be funny to anyone, c'mon" but then I decide to give it a try and discover that I'm just half-right. This isn't really interesting anymore but it is funny from time to time... Again, they hit it with a few songs (dare I say, way better than their previous CD, Epitaph debut) "Scholarship in punk",  "Camp fire girl...”. But this will only totally appeal to some "Jack-ass” MTV small kid who likes "Funny". I prefer (and I always did ) the Vandals' brand of punk rock humor + cynicism + some kind of message...All in all, if you liked 'em you won't stop because of this and if you don't like 'em...just continue...

HAMMERHAI “Komma Klar” CD (Wolverine)
Ohhh, I was so disappointed when I first listened to this one. Not because it’s bad, but because it has great music (cool catchy ska-punk with horn section and stuff) and they sing in German!!! Real pity! I personally really don’t like listening to bands that sing in german. So as I said: great band, and if you don’t mind german lyrics, get this at once. I only understood the stuff I learned from german porn movies; in song called “Timmi Boy” I only understood these words: “Ein geiler Fick…aus dem Arsch…”. I hope that these guys will get popular in Germany!…..Vlada

Wolverine Records, Kaiserwerther Str.65, 40474 Dusseldorf, Germany

HIRETSUKAN “Invasive//Exotic” MCD (G7 Welcoming Committee)
This one will be short cause I’m not really into this. Political emo hard, hard core with a angry girl screaming thru 7 songs in 16 minutes. On the press paper they say it’s something great, something you never heard before, but to me it’s simply boring. This one is also printed on the nice (but stinking) 100% post-consumer paper….Vlada

HOSENFEFER s/t CD (Kizmiaz Records)
Did you know that Hosenfefer are the only punk band from Kosovo? These guys are from Kosovska Mitrovica (the only real ghetto in Europe!), and I really don’t know how are they getting this good music down there. I must admit I didn’t expect that music will be this good before I received this album...I expected some punk as fuck music with nationalist lyrics. Luckily that’s not the case...Hosenfefer are playing punk/r’n’r that reminds me of Antiseen, but with better production (actually there is one GG Alin cover). Btw. album is recorded and produced by Komadant Adam in Sr. Kamenica, so you can be sure that the sound is as good as it gets. Ugly cover though, with photo of their ugly faces. Next time put some good looking chick on the cover and more people will buy the CD.......Vlada

HUNTINGTONS “Songs In The Key Of You” CD (Tooth & Nail)
This is the sixth Huntingtons studio album. After recording this album two members of the Huntintons left the band, so they toured with two new guys. I bet whenever someone mention you Huntingtons, the first thing you think of is - The Ramones. Well this last album is not so Ramones influenced as the others were. Music is still that catchy pop-punk you are familiar with, but this time it’s more poppier than it used to be. This album is very good, but the only thing that bugs me is the fact that Huntingtons are part of so called “Christian punk” scene, and I really can’t get over it. But if you are fine with that, order this album and I bet you’ll enjoy it. A guy asked me to organize them gigs in Yugoslavia but I had to turn it off for the same reason I mentioned earlier…I simply wouldn’t like to support those “christian  punx”….Vlada

Tooth&Nail Records, PO Box 12698, Seattle, WA 98111, USA

INDK “Kill Whitey!” CD (Go-Kart)
INDK are very interesting band from New York formed by the members of Choking Victim (plus some members of Leftover Crack). INDK are mixing hardcore, punk and a bit of (a la Operation Ivy) ska, luckily the band isn’t nearly as crust as Choking Victim is (but the artwork on the CD still is...), so you can actually sing-along with choruses of these songs.....Vlada

INE KAFE "Pribeh" CD (Universal slovakia)
First band to shatter my language barrier to bits! Nice, clean and professional melodic punkrock built on foundations of NUFAN, Rhythm Collision and Bad Religion ... just way more better and fresh than any of today's America's premier melodic punk bands. These Slovakians really have great ideas, playing skills and good attitude. Not to mention the supreme digipak design with a comicbook...I will move to Kisach and paint my house blue and play Ine Kafe to death...And, yes, the language sounds funny! What? You think "Jebem mater sistemu i bicu panker do smrti i picu pivo..." sounds good to average Italian?

JELLO BIAFRA “The Big Ka-Boom, part one” CD (Alternative Tentacles)
Great spoken word album! This time Jello Biafra is talking about September 11th events and all the stuff related to that and what happened afterwards. You’ll hear Jello’s thoughts of Bin Laden, some George Bush and his stuff dirt, about so called War On Terrorism etc. When I was listening to this CD (btw its 34 minutes long) I was constantly thinking about what would’ve happened if every man in the world would listened to this. Would people say “Wow! He’s totally right…what was I thinking before…” or they would be too confused to accept this kind of philosophy after all the TV brainwashing?….Vlada

JOEY RAMONE “Don’t Worry About Me” CD (Sanctuary)
You all know the story behind this album, so I won’t go thru it again. Without this man you probably wouldn’t be reading this zine, so who am I to write the review of his work?! Opening track is absolutely GREAT cover of “What A Wonderful World” and the last one is called “Don’t Worry About Me”. Actually the atmosphere on the whole album is kinda sad (after you know what happened) but than again optimistic. Like that song “I Got Knocked Down (But I’ll Get Up)” that goes like “Sitting In The Hospital Bed/I want my life/It really sucks...I got knocked down, but I’ll get up”. Album is great (I only didn’t like that song/cover “1969”) and you should all get it, although I bet most of you already has it. The King is dead – long live the King!….Vlada

JUDGE DREAD "Last of the Skinheads" and "Bedtime Stories" CD (Captain mod)
I understand that JD must mean a lot to the people who were young rascals back in the mid 70's when these gems were recorded, but now it seems these records definitely   didn't stand the test of time. You are probably more or less familiar with some work of this hilarious Benny Hill of reggae/ska street music...Jokes are still funny and rudeness is still a thing but albums in whole are somehow "expired", it's like when you're watching something that was the No.1 thing to you when you were a kid but now it can't hold your attention for more than a few minutes. However, these are important records in the street music's development and they are reggae/ska classics. If you go for tradition...

THE KINGPINS "Plan of action" CD (MBR/Stomp)
Canada's premier ska act is now available in Europe courtesy of Mad Butcher. Here I must say that the latest round of Butcher's releases came in really improved cover designs! First impression would be: Dance Hall Crashers and I'm sure they would agree with this conclusion without any hard feelings. This stuff is really good and its commercial potentials are quite visible. So, you get 13 tracks of nice upbeat and ska-pop sung by a really beautiful female vox. I like the way they mix a lot of different sub-genres of popular music with their biggest love -ska! So, you have a bit of Costello, a bit of Blondie maybe and a lot of typical upbeat.

KOSHER "Self  Control" CD (BYO)
I don't know what ensures a label to sign some band when that band is nothing spectacular, or not even something "in" at the moment. This is so average and nothing memorable at all...Of course, they had some scores on this one, like track "Revolution", but all in all, it's just another in a row of average releases. Guitar-driven came together with Filthy Thieving Bastards and so it didn't stand a chance.

KUNG FU KILLERS "Game of Death" CDEP (TKO rec)
It was promising, really! It kicked off in the fine manner of early 80's American hardcore (7 Seconds or some SST stuff) but it gets dull. Third track "KFK Theme" really stands out. Last two songs are covers of bands they obviously admire (so-so cover of Misfits' "I turned into...") and a good one of "Room 13". Name of this band sounds so "Melodic" (in baggy pants and trendy skate shoes way).

LO-LITE "Sidekicks" CD (Slovenly/702)
I am really NOT a guy who should write this review, but since I mainly deal with lazy asses when doing this zine, I will have to. Here it goes: I had a chance to hear some so called "Swamp-blues" on various (mostly Voodoo Rhythm Records) releases, and this can be filed under that category but it is better and more pleasing to me. There are only 2 guys in this band and they do make some serious noise but what I liked most is the use of slide-guitars. They might be Dutch but the swamp they are into is definitely somewhere in Louisiana.

Car-hole r'n'r  for the those who like it raw.

702, PO Box 204, Reno NV, 89504 USA,

I don't know...I first picked up "Cuba Libre" and that sounded quite OK...But the whole album is pretty same as expected. Maybe it's the language barrier (I just can't seem to like Italian and German...), but also it must be for their "we always play the same way" style...I mean, this is identical to all of their other stuff (with different lyrics, which I can't seem to understand anyway...wait, there is a translation in the booklet!). Every time they do some ska song, they use the same text-book rhythm and tempo and singer always chants the same stupid verse...Interesting cover of Upstarts "Last Night another soldier", which is my favorite Upstarts song ever.

* a note added much later: They are amazing on-stage and everything said above loses all

meaning after their gig.

LURKERS "Punk singles collection" CD (Captain oi!)
From the early days of 1977, till the present day, punks world wide are glad to have these Fullham rascals. Now, for all the junior punks and older fans whose mother sold their turntable at some garage sale, here's a bunch of old scratched vinyl, re-mastered and processed in a great 28 track CD that covers every minute of Lurkers' marathon career.

From "Shadow" to "Go ahead punk"...Nitro-pop for the fans.


THE MANGES “'R' Good Enough” CD (Stardumb)
New Stardumb Records release, and if they continue with great releases like this, I'm sure that in a year or two they'll be one of the leading punk-rock labels in Europe. Maybe The Manges sound very familiar to you (even since this is first Manges' full-length album)? It did to me, and then I remembered that Ben Weasel is wearing Manges t-shirt on pic of SW's "Teen Punks In Heat" album. Screeching Weasel even covered one Manges song! If that's not good enough recommendation for you, than I'll add one more- Joe Queer have guest appearances on two songs on this album! What's the matter, you can't wait to hear this?! Well, don't get so excited. The Manges are great band, but they can't match with two bands I mentioned before. I'll repeat once more, just to be sure you understood - this IS very good album, with some really great songs, but it's not AS good AS any Queers or Screeching Weasel album (with who everyone is comparing them to). Definitely worth checking out…Vlada

MIXTWITCH “Smile For The Money Shot” CD (Moon Ska EU)
What is this band doing on Moon Ska Records? I understand that ska-punk thing is very popular nowadays but with signing all this crappy teen ska-punk bands, Moon Ska will become pretty crappy label too. I mean, I really respect Moon Ska records and I love a lot (most) of the stuff they released but they should set the criteria for signing new bands much higher to remain as good label as it is. Anyway, Mixtwitch is the band from Dublin and they have nothing to do with ska (nor ska-punk or ska-whatever), it’s simply (very, very average) melodic punk sound, I’m sure most of you are sick of already. Boring, average music, stupid lyrics and extremely ugly cover artwork and design is something you can live without! Instead order some good old Moon Ska releases from Toasters, Trojans, Bad Manners, Skatalites, Selecter.......Vlada

Moon Ska Europe, PO Box 184, Ashford, Kent TN24 0ZS, UK

MR. BUBBLE B. AND THE COCONUTS “Nice To Have” CD (Wolverine)
This eight years old band from Germany is playing some kind of punk-rock’n’roll with some 60’s influences and they compare themselves with The Hives (I guess it’s modern now to be compared with the Hives…), but I don’t think they sound like them at all (btw. it’s not such a bad thing since I really don’t like today’s Hives). I don’t know…maybe it was interesting at start, but I’m sorry to say that some of the songs at this album are really boring…and I mean REALLY…some really good ones too! I don’t know who did the design of this one, but it really looks very nice!…Vlada

NOFX "45/46 song that weren't good enough..." 2CD (FAT)
Now, this one you must's one of those essentials! Collection of their songs that were somehow cut off and didn't make it to the LPs plus bunch of compilation appearances, B-sides and demo crap. Even though some songs are real crap, it's that unique NOFX humor and great liner notes and booklet thick as phonebook that make this CD an object of desire for any fan. I was really laughing my ass off while reading Mike's liners. Comes also in a form of 1 vinyl record. As I said, a must have!

NOFX Vs. RANCID “BYO Split Series III” CD (BYO Records)
Well my California  favorites teamed up with BYO records for this one, and it sounds damn good! I think this is the best split album of all three that appeared on BYO. The bands cover each others' songs, older and newer. In my opinion, Rancid did a better job, but I like rancid more so I can't be objective.  So, here's my advice: GET THIS ONE NOW!.....Pavle

NO USE 4 A NAME "Hard rock bottom" CD (FAT)
Nobody sane would expect them to re-do the "More Betterness", but they somehow did...I mean, it is not that good but it's hot on the heels with it. Most impressive song would be Sinnead O' Connor's "Rebel Song" done with a guest appearance of DHC's Karina. They definitely have some Irish blood in the band (Tony that Irish?)

cause they faithfully stick to covering Irish related songs. Not as super-mega-awesome as previous album but only awesome. You know what you can expect from these kings of melody...Oh, and  really funny CD-rom addition makes it totally wanted.

OI POLLOI "Outraged by the system" CD (Step1)
Another in the re-releases series of  Oi Polloi 80's back catalog. It's a mix of  the EP and Oi Polloi's side of a split LP. Now, what I admired Oi Polloi for is their enthusiastic activism for what's right. On the other hand, I've never been a fan of their music to be really honest. I do admit their importance for the whole anarcho and libertarian music scene and know some of their songs by heart, but sometimes it gets too trashy for my taste. Again, to any fan, this is a must have and what makes it desirable for all the rest of the punks too is great booklet with a lot to read and bunch of useful info and contacts...

This could be a "We're sorry" for releasing Close Shave and Section 5 albums from Step1...

THE OUTFIT "This one's on us" CD (Step1)
Danish skins reinventing the wheel in thirty and something minutes of mid-paced, heard-it-all-before oi!. This may be appealing to some 13 year old skinhead who dreams about being the strongest lad in the hood, but to me (after hearing 35246534 of such bands over the I sound like I'm 40) it's just the same old story. I'm not seeking originality in new bands (I'd be into free-jazz if I want that), but at least you can leave some mark of your own! With these new oi! traditionalists you can nearly guess the subjects of songs, the order of songs on the CD and the music is a also a cliché! Beer, boots, football, child molesters and how to kick their asses, how great your native country is... booooring!

PETER AND THE TEST TUBE BABIES "Mating sounds of south American frogs" and "Loud Blaring Punk Rock" CD (Captain oi!)
If you've already read the Adicts CD review few pages earlier, then you should know that the same goes for these CDs. Especially for the first title which stands on a very high position on my all-time best punk releases list. "Mating sounds..." is a proverbial punk classic and there are no reasonable excuses for not having a copy in your collection.

"Loud Blaring..." is not such a smacker but still, there are some interesting versions of PTTB early songs. This edition is especially interesting for the truth finally revealed in the liner notes on how and why this album was actually recorded.

THE PINK PANTHERS “...Girls Just Wanna Have Fun” CDEP (Wynona)
I don’t know...I really like female vocals, and usually all-girl bands get a lot of support from people, but also most often they don’t really deserve it. I mean imagine that same band with same music and everything just with the guys instead of a girls, and you’ll release that you probably wouldn’t even bother listening to them. Same thing here, if this female trio had guys instead, they wouldn’t be so interesting and I would probably say that they suck pretty much. OK, I’ll say it anyway – Pink Panthers suck pretty much!!! Lyrics are on the level of 11 year old boy/girl, music is on the level of 14 year old, production also sucks together with the vocals, and worst thing of all is their English language knowledge. Lyrics are full of grammatical mistakes, and accent is also very funny, and I really don’t understand why are these girls forcing themselves to sing in english...they want to be world popular or what?......Vlada

POPSTERS vs CARBONA “...An Exciting Punkrock Bowling Competition...” split CD (Wynona)
This is one of those releases I hate reviewing cause they’re simply not interesting at all. It’s not inspiring reviewing something that leaves you indifferent: neither you hate it nor like it! As I said the last time I reviewed Popsters album ‘nice but nothing special’. Popsters play a la Descendents punk with slice more pop-punk influences. Brazilians Carbona also play pop punk, but I must notice that they got better than they were on the 4-5 years old album I have, and the production here is much better than it was on that album. Both Popsters and Carbona have 6 songs each, 1 of them is each other’s cover song. As I said – nothing special!....Vlada

RATOS DE PORAO “Sistemados Pelo Crucifa” CD (Alternative Tentacles)
This is the release of re-recorded Ratos De Porao classic, “Sistemados Pelo Crucifa”, the first hardcore album from South America released back in 1983.. After so many years and ten albums RDP decided to re-record those songs with todays technology and playing ability. So they did, and on this release you can find all 14 songs from that first album, plus 2 re-recordings from the second album “D.E.P.” and one cover version of Portuguese band called Aquidelrock. If you are fan of Ratos De Porao (or hard core music generally), I guess this will be very interesting release for you (btw. there is a booklet with all the lyrics translated in English)…Vlada

Alternative Tentacles, PO Box 419092, San Francisco, CA 94141-9092, USA

“Gospel punk possessed by Satan music!” This is definitely the best release of Voodoo Rhythm Records. Maybe musically it’s not my cup of the tea, but I spent a lot of time listening to this mostly because of great lyrics. I mean, just one glance at the track list and you’ll get the picture: get on your knees, come back lord, back in hell, save my soul from hell, the lord is coming back, oh lord!, fuck you jesus fuck you oh lord,  popcorn up your ass and so on. With this (digipack)CD you’ll get GREAT, extremely funny fat booklet with tons of stuff to read while listening to this album. They represent themselves as ‘swamp blues’ and it really is the best description of the music they play. Check out what Beat-Man said about recording this record: “...we went to Toe Rag in London and recorded and mixed it all in 2 days, I didn’t rehearsal with my band before the the most songs there are no lyrics so I had to made up something...”. Record to ruin any party! PS: I also got fuckin’ great poster with this!....Vlada

REVILLOS "Totally Alive In London" CD (Captain oi!)
Recorded in 1996. on their "re-union" gig. This is great! I like it and play it very often. You know the story (Rezillos base + more trash and kemp) so just add up some live energy and skillful playing. Some expected covers like "Last of the secret agents", a crowd went crazy and you can hear it. Awesome comic booklet by Vince Ray (see latest Damned for reference!)...all in all, decent live album and you don't get many of those these days.

THE RITCHIE WHITES “Snitches Get Stitches” CD (TKO)
I must admit, before I got this release I never heard of The Ritchie Whites, so I’ll give you a short info on them since I assume you also never heard of them before. Ritchie Whites are coming from Austin, TX and although they are not playing for a long time, all of them (and there are 5 of them in band and 3 of them are playing guitar) have been playing in some other bands before they formed R.W. And now we can talk about the music they play. Well I can’t really describe what they play in 3 words, but I’ll try to give you picture of it. On moments music reminds of Misfits pretty much, but then again you must add a little r’n’r, vocals that remind me of the Hives plus the influence of those 80s American punk bands. Music is interesting, but there is something missing when listening to this, and I think it’s the hit songs if you know what I mean. You know, I’m listening to the CD, and as the songs go by I’m thinking “OK, this one is not bad…this one isn’t bad either…” and as the album is finished I still have that feeling that I haven’t heard anything that could move my ass….Vlada

TKO Records, 3126 W.Cary St. #303 Richmond, VA 23221 USA

THE RIFFS "Dead end dream" CD (TKO)
I knew something was wrong when I saw that half of  MaximumRockandRoll staff placed this on their personal top lists...When I got it I just confirmed my doubts. Lo-Fi '77 punk crossed with early hardcore influences. Bad playing, songs without idea and probably correct attitude (it was on MRR top list, remember...). But, since correctness is not the same thing as wellness. Songs are long, boring and bad produced (it was on MRR's list of...of course...). Since I don't share Maximum's motto "Worse is better", I will recommend you to avoid this as much as possible. TKO  seems to be on a downward path these days...Bring us back good old streetpunk!

This piece earned its release just because it's all about Roger the man (being a NYHC icon and a long time friend with the label boss). I'm sure Hellcat gets 50 times better demos every week! This is a part of  streetpunk trend among NYHC come-backs and once again it's wrong and transparent. I could be having some good time with this in a CD player, but only in case that I've never heard of, for example: DKM, US BOMBS, BUSINESS, BRUISERS (some ex-members featured here)...You get a "heard it all before" feeling with this. Even song titles are all seen before..."Smash it Up"? C'mon man, I'm sure you can do better, I know you are wild at heart but it's time to stay at home and take care of the family and kids...You will always have your old records as a memory!

SCRAPY "Saturday night" CD (MBR/NO-CO)
Brilliant!!! The best Scrapy recording ever. They really learned how to play catchy punk/ska songs. All the "pure" punkrock songs on this album are simply great. They should have more of these and less ska  flavored. Last track is a little anthem. Other great thing is that they don't exaggerate with song length like Stage Bottles (who also have nice numbers but almost always ruined by  unnecessary sax solos and repeating), instead they cut it down to nice and sweet and easy. Drinking Activists worldwide, in action!!!

Now, this is a nice idea. Their way to thank all the people who helped them, who shared the stage with them, and to all the rudies everywhere. Done in a very interesting way: Playing covers of the people they admire in their unique ska manner. Some obvious choices: Marley, Rancid, Secret Affair...but also some unusual and unexpected like AC/DC, Steppenwolf, Tom Jones. But all equally good and refreshing. Also, three other bands cover three songs by Skarface as some bonus trax! Skarface - Always on the road! I like those albums which are not short but they somehow seem to pass in the blink of an eye!

You can easily live without this one, but if you do have some extra money you should check how mad some musician can get. This is a rare document of oi-punk dementia and street-wise surrealism from the early 80's. Max Splodge is certainly one of the most  interesting and unique guys involved in punk. This is not so much of an music album in usual sense, but more of a punkrock cabaret. Bunch of songs with long titles and idiotic lyrics...You've probably heard "Two pints of lager" on some bootleg Oi! compilation, well... it CAN get more idiotic than that!

STINKING POLECATS “A Song For Your Boyfriend” CD (Wynona)
Before getting this CD I was really looking forward for it since I heard one song from Stinking Polecats and I really liked it (I think it was “Female Equation” but I’m not sure). I must admit I was a little bit disappointed when I actually heard the whole CD. I mean, the band is very good, there are some great songs here and everything but there are some things I really can’t understand. For example, how couldn’t they notice that the vocals are just too low, and turned it on while they were producing this. S.P. are playing melodic punk sound, but I must say I liked them better on their next split release with Travoltas where they sound much better and faster, but you’ll have to read that review to find out more about that release. As I said, very good band, but I expect their next album where I’m sure they’ll show what they can really do.......Vlada

STRIKE ANYWHERE “Change Is A Sound” CD (Jade Tree)
Strike Anywhere are playing great melodic HC/Punk in vein of Kid Dynamite and this is their first LP. These guys are from Richmond VA and they feature ex and current members of Inquisition, Coint Me Out and The Exploder. What can I say, this record is simply AMAZING. Songs are filled with great melodies, awesome vocals, whoa choruses (one plus more). Lyrics are very clever and well written they cover topics such as police, war, equality, human rights, greed etc... If you like melodic hc/punk this record is a MUST

P. S They have posted all their songs at so check it out!…..Milan I.

TOY DOLLS "Covered in Toy Dolls" CD (Captain oi!)
This really was a good thing to do. Every Toy Dolls fan is very fond of their cover versions of various stuff, and now each fan can have 'em compiled and wrapped up in nice package on one CD. Really, each and every cover they ever did, chronological order and informative liner notes. From "Nellie..." to Ricky Martin!!! One more chance to be amazed with Olga's guitar playing skills.

TOY DOLLS "Wakey, Wakey"CD, "Fat Bob's feet" CD, "Absurditties" CD (Captain oi!)
These albums used to be a soundtrack of my life some 7-8 years ago. Than there was a time I got hooked-off and forgot about these zanies...Than again, few weeks ago, I got this stuff on a CD again and magic is still there. Not so much as before but Olga's guitar skills and unique humor are guaranteed to put a smile on your face and maybe take you back to the childhood days (in my case it 100% does that!). This is a real piece of punk without any trace of any kind of politics and ideology. Just pure fun! I could go in a day long pointless argument with myself which is the best song or album but I can just point out a few: "Back in '79", "Melancholy Margaret", "Turtle Crazy", "Cloughy is a Bootboy"...and on and on...

TRAVOLTAS/STINKING POLECATS “...Eat My Dust” split CD (Wynona)
I’m not sure if you heard of Stinking Polecats before, but I’m sure you heard of the Travoltas. Travoltas are great, well-known band from Holland that released stuff for labels such as the Roadrunner, Coldfront...I even watched their video on the TV recently. On this CD they are presented with 4 songs and all of them are about driving! All 4 are good and I must say Travoltas showed more than the Stinking Polecats that are also presented with 4 songs, and those 4 songs are much better (and faster, with better production) than the stuff I heard on their album.....Vlada

V/A "Addicted to Oi!" CD (Captain oi!)
Do you remember the days when Oi! compilations series stormed the record shops of England? I don't, cause I was two years old and was living some 452346 miles away from the nearest British record store. This compilation was meant to bring back the spirit of those days...And it failed! It features mostly veterans (Cockney rejects, Red Alert, Crack, Foreign Legion, Special Duties..) who were (more or less) present in the glory days of oi! but today they all lost it and that lame flogging of a dead horse won't do them any good. Some of them sound really ridiculous and should really STOP doing it (Roi Oi Millwall'S Last Resort stands out as the flop no.1), worst track belongs to The Gonads (they'll probably say that's exactly what they intended to) and the "newer" bands also suck big time: Crashed Out (Bon Jovi meets Section 5), Beerzone (they are the best new British streetpunk band because they are the only new British streetpunk band)...Bands shown here are not the representatives of today's streetpunk, thank god for that! Just forget this failure and try Burning Heart's "Spirit of the streets" if you are into really top-class streetpunk. Let the glorious past shine on!

V/A “Apocalypse Always” CD (Alternative Tentacles)
New AT compilation with really a lot of stuff they release from 1983 to 2002, but it contains mainly new stuff. Great thing about this compilation is that it has really a lot of good and interesting stuff so it can’t get boring, and the bad thing about it is that there are too many different music styles. I don’t like listening to some hard core band such as Ratos de Porao together with some slow pop-fuzz-roots-whatever band, cause it simply can’t go together. Another thing I like about this CD are the spoken word tracks from big names such as Jello Biafra (2 tracks, and the opening one is about Joey Ramone), Mumia Abu-Jamal, Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn… There are also some great bands: Flaming Stars (I really liked them), D.O.A. (new track), Victims Family… There are two more good things about this CD. First one is there are 10 exclusive tracks and the second one is that it’s dirty cheap, and that you can get it practically for free if you order something else from AT with $5 coupon you get with this….Vlada

V/A "Give 'em the boot III" CD (Hellcat)
Same, good ol' comp from the Hellcat...Brief representation of this label's new and old bands...Some new bands like Nekromantix, Mouthwash plus some very lame side projects like Devil's Brigade (my god, what a crap! Rancid's biggest mistake ever! stick to the Punky reggae rather and don't touch psychobilly...), Roger Miret and the disasters (Seems like the last few Agnostic Front albums weren't big enough crap, so he had to add up to the sum of bad stuff he did) and Duane Peters' Hunns aren't such big thing as I thought first...But it's cheap and there are some very good trax and two cool videos...

V/A “Punkzilla the compilation” CD (Nitro)
Very interesting Nitro compilation. There are 14 bands presented here. Some of them you know for a long time, and there are some new Nitro sign ups too. Too bad there are only two or three previously unreleased songs and a lot of stuff you all heard for a million times before (for example “Jennifer Lost The War” and “A Thousand Days” from Offspring s/t album) and it really sucks pretty much. Thumbs up for: The Damned (although I don’t like that “Looking For Action” song from their new album very much…), A.F.I. (with that hit song “Wester”), Bodyjar, Vandals, Guttermouth… Few more good things about this comp: it’s low-priced, CD is enhanced with two music videos and Courtney Love loves it!…Vlada

V/A “Ramones Forever – An International Tribute” CD (Radical Records)
Definitely the strangest Ramones tribute I’ve ever heard! This tribute album was originally released in Belgium, so most of the bands here are from Belgium, but there are also bands from Greece, Germany, France, USA, Peru, Netherlands and Hungary. As I said, this is very strange tribute since just three or four bands here are playing punk-rock music (among them is Marky Ramone Group), and all the rest are covering Ramones playing some strange Lo-Fi Electro-pop, Reggae, Ska, and who knows what! Of course it’s not a bad thing since this makes this compilation much interesting. I think every Ramones fan will love this and should get this except if he/she isn’t some narrow-minded punk fan. I personally loved this – some songs are very interesting, some of them are very funny, and to tell you the truth some of them are quite boring. Bands I liked best are 5c Deposit (one of the best Ramones covers I’ve ever heard), Skunk (weird ska cover of Pet Semetary), La Fille d’Ernest, Ramon Da Silva (extremely funny!), Daan… A portion of the proceeds from this record will benefit the Joey Ramone Fund in New York Hospital….Vlada

Radical Records, 77 Bleecker St. NY, NY 10012, USA

V/A "Uncontrollable Fatulence, Fat music vol.6" CD (FAT)
Every new fat comp is a treat for the kids, and this one is no different. What makes this an object of desire of every punkster is a really big number of "previously unreleased" stuff from the likes of : Anti-flag (they can't make a bad song, sorry but they just can't), Mad Caddies (not my faves but this song stands out!), NOFX (kings of unreleased!), Swingin' Utters (oh!) and everyone's heroes Me First and the Gimme Gimmes with a hilarious cover of worst song of all times: Sinead O'Connor's "nothing Compares 2U". Besides a lot more U/R stuff, there is a nice representative selection of Fat protégés.

V/A “Your Scene Sucks” CD (Go-Kart)
OK, there’s not much to write about when reviewing compilations, so I’ll make it short. This is a hardcore compilation with bands such as Sick Of It All, Kill Your Idols, Ensign, Toxic Narcotic, Tear It Up, The Control, Rise Against and 20 more. As you can see, there are some well-known HC bands, and there are some I never heard of before. All in all, this is pretty good compilation if you are into this kind of music, plus it’s midpriced so you won’t have to think of excuses not to buy it......Vlada

VERY METAL “Hit And Run” CD (Beer City)
The only thing I liked with this band is the name taken from the Vivian’s jacket from British comedy “The Young Ones”. I didn’t like this music at all. And the music is some hardcore-punk, and when I say hardcore I don’t mean that new-school-whatever HC, but that 80’s English HC…you know what I mean! New or old school hardcore,it doesn't metter,  music sucks anyway. Wow, I just read that Beer City sent this CD to 2500 radio stations, magazines and stores! 2500 thrown CDs! How much of this shit do they sell when they can send 2500 copies for promotion?….Vlada

Beer City, PO Box 26035, Milwaukee WI, 53226-0035, USA

VOGELFREI “Mutmacher” CD (Bandworm Records)
I’ll try to be as objective as I can concerning that this band sings in German. I said it once, and I’ll say it again – I really, really don’t like listening to German bands that sing in their mother tongue. There are very songs in German I like (’99 Luft Ballons’ is one of them! I hope I spelled it correctly. And there are two more from Yeti Girls and one from Die Toten Hosen.). Anyway, Vogelfrei are playing very nice punk and on this album there are few really good hit songs (with great singalong choruses and everything), but too bad the whole album is not like that, cause there are also some stupid rock ballads. Maybe they could also recorded more songs (there are 10 songs here). I hope that on next album they’ll show us what they can really do......Vlada

Bandworm Records, Schellheimerplatz 8, D-39108 Magdeburg, Germany

YOBS "Worst of the yobs" CD (Captain oi!)
Shit! This sux to the max! This is some sort of a Christmas album but it definitely is the worst of the Yobs. For those who are into foul language and "here's-my-ass-look" punk this is a hit! All the originals covered here are way better. I mean, anyone can get drunk and go around saying "fuck this and that and you cunts fuck fuck fucky fuck...". This may appeal to some retarded kid in the 1st  grade.  It's embarrassing even to listen to this... Maybe it gets  better when you drink 10-15 pints.


OK, here are some addresses where you can order some releases you read here (or you can find their links in S.C.A.B. links section): Go-Kart Records, PO Box 20, Prince Street Station NY, NY 10012, USA
Mad Butcher, Bergfeldstr.3,34289 Zierenberg, Germany Lookout!, P.O.Box 11374, Berkley, California, 94712-2374, USA
Moon Ska Europe, P.O. Box 184, Ashford, Kent, England TN24 OZS Wynona Records, Via Galata b/r 16121 Genova, Italy
Stardumb Records, PO Box 21145, 3001 AC Rotterdam, The Netherlands Nitro, 7071 Warner Ave. F PMB 736, Huntington Beach, CA 92647, USA
Captain Oi!, P.O. Box 501, High Wycombe, Bucks HP10 8QA, England G7 Welcoming Committee, PO Box 27006, 360 Main Street Concourse, Winnipeg, MB, R3C 4T3, Canada
Revelation Rec., P.O.Box 5232, Huntington Beach, CA 92615, USA TKO RECORDS 3126 W.Cary St. #303 Richmond, VA 23221, USA
Burning Heart Records, POBox 441 701 48 Orebro, Sweden Voodoo Rhythm, Jurastrasse 15, 3013 Bern, Switzerland

Hey bands,labels,... send your stuff for reviewing at site and in paper zine to:
Vladimir Goshic
Mileticeva 49
21000 Novi Sad
Yugoslavia(Serbia & Montenegro)