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After getting the Out Of Hand's record "Canadian Gothic" (Raw Energy Records) I became interested in getting an interview with this great canadian band. Here's what Chris Boneless had to say on all these stupid questions...

Q: Beginnings, line-up, influences…
A: Out Of Hand formed six years ago when three high school friends decided that it would be rad to play in a band together! Those three people were Chris Boneless/ Bass Player & Singer, Jimmy Sick/ Guitar & Singer, and Cort/ Guitar & Singer. A few years later after having problems with their first drummer, Rob Donkey joined the band in 1995. Rob was also a very close friend with the band. Our main influences are anything fast and hard, mostly from the California thrash scene but also a few Canadian greats. The influences include D.R.I., Corosion Of Conformity, Suicidal Tendancies, The Dayglo Abortions, SNFU, (Labelmates) Random Killing and The Bunchofuckingoofs!

Q: Something about your hometown, Whitby.
A: Whitby's cool! We have good weed and Canadian Beer! We Also have a kick ass skateboard park! Oh yeah and the world largest Go-Kart Track! Whoooppeee!!!!!! Our Punk scene here is pretty cool! There is lot's of support for all the bands OLD & NEW just cause everybody's friends with each other!

Q: Something about your fights against deterioration of the environment; fights for Niagara. Do you know who set-up the first electric generator (on Niagara)?
A: No Idea who set up the first generator but I bet you he is a rich fucker now! As for our fights with the safety of the environment well the issue that is in the essay in Our CD is a debate that has been going on for sometime now in our area and we thought that the younger generation should have that brought to their attention because it affects them as well and their parents and plus alot of the stuff that goes on with Philip Environmental is done behind the peoples back. Now hopefully people will look into this problem themselves! Just the thought of drinking runoff from some Factory sickens me and I hope we've reached some new awareness of this particular issue.

Q: Your first sexual experience. Did you have any homosexual experiences? (Statistics are saying that every 10th man did!)
A: Some girl touched my thingy in grade six either that or Masturbation with a porno Mag!!! No Homosexuality from this end or any end for that matter! But our guitarist James like to wear womens underwear on his head occaionally!

Q: Tell us the stupidest joke you've ever heard.
A: Out Of Hand's a good band! Ha Ha Ha!

Q: Impressions from Out Of Hand summer tour.
A: Alot of shows, Long Drive's, Lot's of smoking (Weed & Cigarettes), Lot's of beer, Made alot of new friends slept on one too manny floors and no one got sick!! I Hate Living in our Van! Over all a good trip!

Q: What do you think that S.C.A.B. means? Please answer it on Serbian.
A: Satanic Canadian Asshole Band (in other words us Out Of Hand)

Q: What does your parents think of music you play?
A: Um No Comment!

Q: What do you know 'bout Yugoslavia?
A: It's in Europe and we want to tour there! Oh yeah and a girl I know is from there I think! Our Label says it is a cool place to go too!

Q: Best porno sites on internet.
A: Out Of Hand Official Website: http://rawenergy.passport.ca/out.htmwpe3B.jpg (16825 bytes)

Q: Best heavy metal bands.
A: I'll give you my top ten in no particular Order:

1. Iron Maiden
2. (Old) Metallica
3. Motorhead
4. Slayer
5. Quiet Riot
6. Anthrax
7. Judas Priest
8. D.R.I.
9. C.O.C.
10. Suicidal Tendancies

Q: Why did you call your album Canadian Gothic? What do you think about Gothic?
Answer: Goth music stinks that is not at all why we called the album Canadian Gothic. There is a picture called American Gothic with the Old Man and the pitch-fork with an old lady. Well on our CD (the actual CD) there is a picture of a punk with a pitch-fork with his Punk-rock wife and a kid giving the finger. Well that's our Canadian Gothic picture that was origionally gonna be the album cover but didn't end up on the cover to to Corperate bullshit!

Q: Say something stupid for the end.
A: Yum Yum Yum Yum in your bum the different drum go eat some cum while you strum and hum dee dumb eating plums fighting bums do you want some scrounging crumbs metal thumbs!

Piss on your little dog too!
Eat Trash spend cash smoke hash beach bash!
No food no booze I lose!
I said piss on your fucking dog!
Shorts sports warts!
Dick nick quick pick lick sick rick flick click!
Coffe shop hip hop don't stop mad props big flop dance till ya drop drink pop harvest crops!
dooo de doooo
Skull fuck!
Yeah I mean you!
Who dat? Your fat laundry mat cat?
Swing thing!
Eat beat your meat sounds sweet what a treat!
Damn that dog of yours!
Um was that stupid enough????