It's a well known fact that every punkrock gig never starts
at announced time. Furthermore, gigs are usually outrageously late (if
it was announced to start at ,say, 9 pm that means the band will enter
the stage somewhere at 11:30 or so...). So, you and the crowd are off for
a drink in front of some distant liquor store not knowing if you are gonna
miss the opening band. Here's a solution for 100% elimination of possible
boredom and a perfect way to have good, clean fun and test your knowledge
of punk rock music. It's called PUNKaladont.
PUNKaladont is punk version of (in Serbia at least) very
popular word game Kaladont. Minimum number of players required for successful
playing is 3.
How to play?
The game starts when one person says a title of some punk
song, album title , name of punk label or punk band. Next player takes
the last word of the title and ads another word to it and makes another
logical and existing song, band, album, label title.
Example #1
Player 1: Suburban Rebels (The Business' song)
Player 2: Rebels in society (Red Alert's song)
Player 3: Society gone mad (USA HC band)
Player 4: Mad punks and English Dogs (English Dogs' album)...
Also, the word that must be prolonged by the next player
can be used in this way also.
Example #2
Player 1: I'm gonna get a gun (Ejected)
Player 2: Guns of Brixton ( Clash)
Player 1: We're mad (Toy Dolls)
Player 2: Madness (Ska band)...Word itself is prolonged!
We recommend that the starting player must give some easy
title so that the game can take off.
When a player can't give any answer. He gets a negative
point P. The game is over when one player collects all the negative letters
(P.O.S.E.R.) and get public recognition as a poser, a person who knows
least about punkrock. We suggest you to mock and make fun of that person...
In Slavic countries (or in country with phonetical alphabet
like Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Russia...) we recommend the phonetical
version of the game.
Example #3
Player 1: Ode to joy (Adicts)
Player 2: Joey's on the streets again (Sham 69)
Word "Joy" is not spelled same as "Joey" but they both
sound the same. So it's acceptable.
Here it is! Fun way to kill some time and spend it on
building, not destroying brain cells...To be honest, it's double the fun
when you play it semi or fully wasted.